
Monetary Assistance


We have a local food bank that is open in the morning every third Saturday of the month and is located in Sylvia at Main and Avenue D.  Should your need for food be immediate, please contact our pastor at 1-620-286-5362.  Also check our links page for additional sources of assistance.

Monetary Assistance:

Sometimes the trials of life can be overwhelming and you need help to get through a tough spot.  This is nothing to be ashamed of and can happen to anybody.  Even though our funds aren't endless, we do also have the ability to provide help with bills when needed.  Unfortunately when providing monetary assistance we've ran into a few problems within our society.  Those problems are listed below along with what we do to make sure the limited amount of help we can provide gets to people who really need it.

Problem #1:  Our society has some people who just want to take advantage of others.

Solution:  In providing assistance no cash is ever given out.  You will need a copy of the bill you need help with so that the pastor can insure that money gets to the right place.  Also you will need to be able to provide proof that you are in fact somebody that requires assistance.

Problem #2:  Most people's financial problems are compounded by not being trained on financial management.

Solution:  We want to make sure you're helped as much as possible.  So in order to receive monetary assistance you must also agree to come to a financial planning class.

Problem #3:  Some people are just fishing for a handout.

Solution:  We require you to contact a local church first about your need.  If you haven't even heard of the town we reside in, you're not local.

Please note that we aren't trying to avoid helping people.  Jesus wants us to help people, and we do help people.  All our requirements are simply geared toward insuring that the limited amount of money we have to help people (we are small town church) gets into the hands of people that actually need it.